
Operational guidelines to which the Municipalities of the Abruzzo Region

Operational guidelines to which the Municipalities of the Abruzzo Region

Operational guidelines to which the Municipalities of the Abruzzo Region must comply for the formation of the lists of potential those entitled to access scholarships for the academic year 2023/2024, in implementation of D.G.R. no. 155 of 28 February 2024. In implementation of the provisions of Regional Council Resolution 155 of 28 February 2024, the Abruzzo Region, in order to activate what is within its competence to allow the Ministry of Education and Merit, the disbursement of scholarships for the 2023/2024 school year to students residing in the Abruzzo region and enrolled in secondary schools belonging to the national education system (SIDI), provides the following operational guidelines for municipalities: 1. Purpose In order to combat the phenomenon of early school leaving, Article 9 of Legislative Decree no. 63 of 13 April 2017 established, at the then known Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the "Single Fund for Student Welfare and the Right to Study" for the provision of scholarships in favour of students enrolled in secondary schools for the purchase of textbooks, for mobility and transport, as well as for access to goods and services of a cultural nature. Given the agreement reached on 20 December 2023, pursuant to art. 8 of Legislative Decree no. 281 of 28 August 1997, at the Unified Conference, the Minister of Education, competent in the matter, issued Ministerial Decree no. 254 of 22.12.2023, which indicates criteria and procedures for the assignment of scholarships financed with the contributions provided for the financial year 2023, allocating the amount of € 949,239.46 for the disbursement of scholarships in support of the 2023/2024 school year in favor of students residing in the Abruzzo Region and students enrolled in secondary schools belonging to the national education system (SIDI). 2. Recipients In accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 254/2023,attuativo dell'articolo 9 del D. Lgs. n. 63/2017, gli aventi diritto alle borse di studio sono le studentesse e gli studenti, residenti sul territorio regionale, iscritti per l’anno scolastico 2023/2024 presso gli istituti statali e/o paritari della scuola secondaria di secondo grado del sistema nazionale di istruzione (SIDI), in possesso del requisito riferito alla situazione economica della famiglia di appartenenza di cui al successivo punto. 3. Requisiti dello studente per beneficiare del contributo Lo studente o la studentessa dovrà essere: Comune Campo di Giove - Prot. N. 0001409 del 08-03-2024 in arrivo • residente in Abruzzo; • iscritto/a nell’anno scolastico 2023/2024 e frequentante alla data di presentazione della domanda un istituto della scuola secondaria di secondo grado del sistema nazionale di istruzione (SIDI); • appartenente ad un nucleo familiare con ISEE 2024 da € 0,00 a € 10.000,00. Non è richiesto alcun requisito di merito scolastico. 4. Requisito della situazione economica Per avere diritto all’erogazione della borsa di studio per l’anno scolastico 2023/2024, l’Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente (ISEE) del nucleo familiare cui appartiene il richiedente non potrà essere superiore ad € 10.000,00. Per l’individuazione dell’Indicatore Economico Equivalente richiesto per accedere al beneficio di cui trattasi, si deve necessariamente fare riferimento all’attestazione ISEE in corso di validità, che si ottiene sulla base delle informazioni raccolte nella DSU (dichiarazione sostitutiva unica), da presentare agli Enti autorizzati al rilascio dell’attestazione stessa, in conformità con quanto disposto dal Decreto Legislativo 5 dicembre 2013, n. 159 e s.m.i., dalla circolare INPS n. 171 del 18/12/2014 e in considerazione delle modifiche introdotte dal Decreto Legge 101 del 3 settembre 2019, convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge 2 novembre 2019, n. 128, al c.d. Decreto crescita (Decreto Legge 30/4/2019, n. 34, convertito dalla Legge n. 58 del 28/6/2019), che a sua volta aveva modificato la disciplina del D.lgs. n. 147 del 15/9/2017, in termini di validità temporale delle attestazioni ISEE, nonché di quanto contenuto nel messaggio INPS n. 3155/2021 in merito alle modalità estensive dell’ISEE corrente, di cui al decreto del Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, di concerto con il Ministro dell’Economia e delle Finanze, del 5 luglio 2021 (pubblicato nella G.U. n. 203 del 25 agosto 2021); Precisazioni sull’ISEE: L'ISEE (Indicatore Situazione Economica Equivalente) è lo strumento di valutazione, attraverso criteri unificati, della situazione economica di coloro che richiedono prestazioni sociali agevolate. L’ISEE richiesto è quello per le prestazioni agevolate rivolte ai minorenni (coincidente con l’ISEE ordinario qualora il nucleo familiare non si trovi nelle casistiche disciplinate dall’art. 7 del DPCM 159/13). D.P.C.M. 5 December 2013, n. 159 adds to the ordinary or standard ISEE additional ISEE to be used for the request of certain types of benefits and in the presence of certain characteristics of the family unit, in particular for subsidized services aimed at minors in the presence of non-cohabiting parents. Furthermore, the ordinary ISEE can be replaced by the Current ISEE, to be requested only after possession of a valid ordinary ISEE, to be used when there is any change that produces a negative impact on the economic situation of the family unit, in terms of income, assets or both (INPS/Message no. 3155 of 21 September 2021), in compliance with expressly indicated percentages, such that the economic situation reflected by the ordinary ISEE is exceeded. 5. Appointment of sub-data processor The Abruzzo Region, for the implementation of this intervention, makes use of the Municipalities of residence of the potential entitled persons to identify the names of the beneficiaries in its regional territory, Municipality Campo di Giove - Prot. No. 0001409 of 08-03-2024 coming soon, analogous to what happens for the free or semi-free supply of textbooks pursuant to Law no. 448/1998. To this end, in recalling the D.G.R. no. 155 of 28 February 2024, with which the Abruzzo Region, in its capacity as Data Processor, designates the above-mentioned Municipalities as sub-processors of data processing, it is specified that they must duly fill in and return signed the sub-responsibility agreement referred to in Annex 2. 6. Acquisition of the applications of those entitled The Municipalities of the Abruzzo Region are in charge of acquiring the applications for access to scholarships produced by their residents (adult students or holders of parental authority in the case of underage students) containing all the information reported in Form A which is attached as a request form to be used in order to facilitate the work of the individual municipal administrations in the collection of the necessary data. The Municipalities, in collaboration with the schools concerned, are responsible for promoting access to the benefit in question in favour of the students referred to above, below the ISEE threshold provided for in point 4, on the basis of the requirement of registered residence, through appropriate forms of advertising, providing information and assistance to users, indicating the names and related local contacts to refer to. The deadline for submitting applications to the Municipality of residence is 8 April 2024, without prejudice to the possibility for Municipalities to set a shorter deadline according to the organisational provisions prepared by each Municipality in its Notice. Once the applications have been collected, the Municipalities are also responsible for assessing their admissibility on the basis of the requirements set out in DGR no. 155 of 28 February 2024 and the operational guidelines referred to in this Annex 1, also making use, for this purpose, of the collaboration of the Schools concerned, especially in the operation of associating the correct mechanographic identification code of the upper secondary school attended by the learners (ten-digit alphanumeric code available on the website of the reference institution). 7. Transmission to the competent regional structure of the lists relating to those entitled Each Municipality, once the phase of receipt and verification of the admissibility of the applications has been completed, must forward its list by the deadline of 8.05.2024, to the Abruzzo Region (Regional Department of Labour – Social, Education and University Service DPG021 – Office for the Right to School Education and Interventions 0-6 years), through the use of the prospectus in excel format referred to in Model B, with all the data necessary to allow the competent regional structure to draw up a single regional ranking and to transmit it, in turn, to the Ministry of Education and Merit, within the deadline indicated by the same Dicastery. Form B in EXCEL format, must be filled in in a workmanlike manner, with reference to the following data: ( ISTAT CODE MUNICIPALITY ( COMMON NAME ( NAME ( SURNAME Municipality Campo di Giove - Prot. No. 0001409 of 08-03-2024 coming soon ( SEX as per the table indicated in the drop-down list (M/F) ( MUNICIPALITY OF BIRTH ( DATE OF BIRTH ( PROVINCE OF BIRTH as per the table indicated in the drop-down list (if foreign, indicate EE) ( TAX CODE field of 16 mandatory characters (exclusively of the entitled person, even if minor) ( MECHANOGRAPHIC CODE OF THE INSTITUTION ATTENDED BY THE ENTITLED PERSON ( ISEE AMOUNT (amount between € 0.00 and € 10,000.00). The form, once completed, must be RENAMED by entering the NAME of your COMUNE_MODELLO B (e.g. PESCARA_MODELLO B). The aforementioned attachment thus completed must be sent both in EXCEL format and in PDF format by the deadline of 8.05.2024, exclusively by certified email to the address, MANDATORILY inserting in the subject the wording: "IOSTUDIO 2023/2024 – COMUNE_MODELLO B (e.g. IOSTUDIO 2023/2024 – PESCARA_MODELLO B). The Municipalities, which will not receive any application for access to the benefit in question, will send Annex B EMPTY, specifying that no application has been submitted. This method will allow the Abruzzo Region to be aware of the absence of requests for a given municipality. We ask you to pay the utmost attention to the correctness of the data entered in Form B, also through checks with the Municipal Registry, since even the slightest error will prevent the admission of the beneficiary in the MIM computer system, for the disbursement of the contribution. It should be noted, in fact, that the Ministry does not accept names whose personal and school data do not correspond with those present in the National Student Registry (SIDI). Lists whose data are different from those requested and/or transmitted in a format other than Form B will not be examined. Specifically, applications will not be admitted if: (incomplete or erroneously transcribed the requested data or Tax Code not congruent with the name, personal data and/or gender, incorrect school mechanographic code and/or not corresponding to the code registered in the National Student Registry (SIDI); ( transmitted after the peremptory deadline indicated (02/04/2024); ( transmitted without regular protocol and date; ( sent to a PEC other than the one indicated; ( sent with a subject different from the one indicated; ( sent in a format other than Form B. Failure to comply with the above requirements, as well as the late transmission of the list, will result in the exclusion of the names from the benefit, exempti ng the Abruzzo Region from any responsibility. 8. Amounts and methods of disbursement of scholarships The unit amount of scholarships in the Abruzzo Region is set at € 150.00. The The Abruzzo Region reserves the right to increase this amount taking into account the total resources allocated to it by the Ministry of Education and Merit, in relation to the actual number of those entitled to the benefit. Municipality Campo di Giove - Prot. N. 0001409 of 08-03-2024 coming soon If, on the other hand, the amount of the scholarships intended for students of the Abruzzo Region is not sufficient to cover all the requests received, a special ranking of the same will be formulated in ascending order with respect to the certified ISEE values (from the lowest values to the highest values), favouring those who are younger in the event of an exact correspondence of the certified ISEE value and this until the available resources are exhausted (€ 949,239.46). The competent structure of the Abruzzo Region Regional Department of Labour – Social, Education and University Service - DPG021 - Office for the Right to School Education and Interventions 0-6 years will be responsible for collecting the lists validly transmitted and containing the personal details of the potential beneficiaries as well as transmitting to the Ministry of Education and Merit the list of names of those entitled structured in the form of a single regional ranking that identifies the beneficiaries based on dedicated resources. The scholarships will be provided directly by the Ministry of Education and Merit in accordance with Article 10, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 63 of 13 April 2017. The eligible student, or, if a minor, the person exercising parental authority, may claim the benefit free of charge, available in circularity, at any post office. The Municipalities, in collaboration with the Schools, will inform their respective users/beneficiaries about the methods and times, which will be indicated by the Ministry of Education and Merit, to collect the amount corresponding to the scholarship for the 2023/2024 school year. Finally, it should be noted that, on the website of the Abruzzo Region, at the address, these operational addresses and the related forms can be consulted in electronic format.